How To Become an Influencer on Instagram

I'm an Instagram Influencer and it took me a good 3 years to reach 100k followers. Being a social media influencer, be it on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media platform, is easier said than done. 

It takes a lot of effort, hard work, consistency, and dedication to become a successful Influencer on Instagram and make money.

In this post, I will share everything I followed to become an influencer and reach this level. Instagram is all about images but just posting images won't make you an influencer

you need to follow certain strategies to get a large number of loyal followers and get attention to your posts.

How to Become an Instagram Influencer

These 10 tips will help you become a successful Instagram influencer and make money online:

  • make up your mind
  • Choose a Niche
  • Create a business account
  • Effective bio
  • good content
  • Know Your Audience
  • Engaging captions and relevant hashtags
  • Tag Brands and Be Ready to Collaborate
  • Interact with subscribers
  • Follow your favorite influencers

1. make up your mind

It is very important. Don't just dive into Instagram; First, you need to decide that you want to become an Instagram influencer. You have to accept the fact that it won't be easy or fast. 

You have to work patiently and consistently over the first few years to get good and loyal Instagram followers.

2. Choose a Niche

Once you've made your decision, choose your niche. Think, think and think again. What could be your niche? What do you do best? What can you give your subscribers? Would anyone follow you? These are a few questions that will help you decide on a niche.

Don't start with what you just want. Make sure you're good at it because there's no place for the average on Instagram. You should at least be good, if not great. 

Pick something you can stick on. Don't start with fashion and then move on to food, travel, or technology. It is not always important that you are good at what you like, so think carefully and then choose your niche.

To give an example: I love doing makeup, but I'm not good at it, so you should not choose beauty as your main niche.

3. Create a business account

There are two types of accounts on Instagram: personal/private and business accounts. If you want to start your career as an Instagram influencer, you will need a business account. 

Don't worry it's free. You just need to select a Business Account when creating an Instagram account. However you can also change an existing personal account to a business account.

Why a business account?

Because only in a business account you can check all your information like who all your followers are, their gender, age, etc. What time are your followers most active on Instagram, what city or country are your followers from, and much more...

These insights will help you better understand your audience and will help you get more attention for your posts. Post what your audience likes and also check when they are most active and that should be your Instagram post time.

Also, with a business account, you can make better use of your bio, add CTA buttons, run ads, and get more followers and interactions.

You cannot run ads through a private or private Instagram account.

4. Write an effective bio

Your bio on Instagram or any other social network is your digital representation, make it as effective as possible. Instagram only allows 30 characters, so don't waste that space using fancy words or symbols. Keep your bio short and to the point.

Keep it simple and clear to best describe you and your work. No one cares when you first cut the cake or when you first cried, so avoid such stupid suggestions and write who you are and what you do.

5. Good content

Content is king, be it your social media or your blog. People will follow your content, so make it at least good, if not great. Instagram is all about photos, so make sure they are of good quality. Also, see if you can add value to your followers through your photos.

If you are into fashion you can post some style tips, if you like "beauty" you can post some beauty tips or if you are a tech blogger you can post your reviews of different gadgets for your followers.

Post content that matches your profile and audience, although it's possible to surprise your audience with off-topic content from time to time. 

The best idea is to share your daily lifestyle with your followers. Eat breakfast at a nice place, share your stories, try new dresses, record a fitting video and post it. Your followers just want to know what you are doing, where you are going, what you are eating, what you are wearing, etc. Give them the best.

6. Know your audience

It is very important to know your audience well. What age group they belong to, what their interests are, and where they are. You can test their interests by analyzing your posts. See what type of post attracts the most and make more of these posts. 

Post what your audience wants to see and get them to stop, engage, save and share your posts. Check out these Instagram tips and tricks to get more exposure for your posts.

7. Engaging captions and relevant hashtags

Not too long, but try to write a good and engaging caption for each post. Ask questions and opinions of your subscribers in the signature; this will make them interested in your post. You need to put a CTA (call to action) in your post, but make sure your signature is relevant to your post. 

Instagram allows you to post 30 hashtags in one post, and use them all initially. You can stop using all 30 once you have a large following and regular contacts.

8. Tag Brands and Be Ready to Collaborate

Don't forget to include your email add ess in your bio so brands and companies can approach you for collaborations. Also, be prepared to share your thoughts because most brands ask for information for your promoted content.

I suggest that you promote products or services that you like and admire. Don't make your Instagram a store feed. Share your honest feedback and opinions for the benefit of your audience.

Start tagging brands to grab their attention. If your post is good enough, the brand may publish it on its page to get more attention for you. You can also send them direct messages to brands related to your niche for collaboration.

9. Be active in stories

Instagram stories sometimes give you more reach and engagement than Instagram posts. Be very active on your Instagram stories. Keep them real; Connect with your followers and interact well with them.

10. Follow your favorite influencers

I follow all my favorite lifestyles and fashion influencers you must do the same. Find great and successful influencers in your niche and follow them. 

Try to learn from their Instagram posts, their post style, their captions, their stories, etc. Also, keep commenting on the posts you like and try to interact with them. You never know, they might thank you and you might get some extra followers and attention.

How to make money on Instagram?

Instagram is one of the best and most popular forms of digital advertising. Brands want to showcase their collection digitally and when it comes to Instagram, we influencers are the way to advertise. I promote different brands on my profile and the brands pay me for it.

One of the most frequently asked questions from newbies is when can we start charging brands, to which I answer you can start asking for money after 20-25k Instagram followers. It will increase as your fan base grows. 

Up to 20k followers, you can barter, where you get products in exchange for promotions on Instagram, which again is not bad at the initial stage.

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