25 Terms In Internet Marketing Small Business Owners Should Understand

Are you also overwhelmed by internet marketing terms? Here is a quick guide to help you familiarize yourself with acronyms and understand marketing terms. 

When it comes to starting a new business or promoting it, one of the most important aspects is having an online presence. 
This is where the umbrella term, digital marketing, came from. However, not every organization has a digital marketing budget, especially small and medium businesses. 

Did you know that most small business owners do their marketing? According to Statista, in 2020, more than 16% of business owners are engaged in marketing themselves, while the rest hire one employee, a third-party company, or a freelancer for these purposes. 

In this case, it is important to know the basic terms of digital marketing, which will help you apply the principles to the business, understand the concepts, and choose the best methods. Along with this, it is important to know the basic terms for working on email marketing, search engine marketing, and social media marketing

We have summarized internet marketing terms, words, and jargon commonly used among entrepreneurs and marketers.

A/B testing

A/B testing focuses on identifying or observing the results of two different product variations to see which will bring the best results. It can also be used on other elements such as headers, buttons, opt-in forms, etc. A/B testing allows you to optimize the experience and eliminate the guesswork when optimizing your site.


Analytics is the process by which relevant data regarding advertising initiatives or performance is studied or collected. It provides valuable insights into trends and data for better decision-making. If you're into marketing for your business, you may be aware of Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a tool that can help analyze overall site traffic and help users understand trends.


Also known as one-way links, inbound links, and inbound links, backlinks are links that certain websites link to your site or blog. These links can be considered the equivalent of votes, and they contribute to organic search rankings by demonstrating the usefulness, credibility, and value of the content.

Bounce rate

Think of it as the percentage of people who go to a site but leave without visiting another page. Typically, a bounce rate of 30-40% is ideal for any industry or site. Users can calculate this internet marketing term by dividing the number of one-time visits by the total number of visits.

Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is the way users recognize or remember a brand. For example, users can look at the Amazon logo and instantly recognize it. It mainly focuses on brand recognition (brand color or logo) and brand recall (product class, for example, Toyota is associated with cars). It is scripts that help users connect with a product or brand by offering them the best service or solution.

Buyer persona

If you want to understand a product, then the user's point of view is the best way to do it. Thus, a buyer persona appears. It offers a semi-fictional representation of users, including behavioral information, psychographics, and demographics. In doing so, developers delve deeply into the influence and role of the user, emphasizing motives and goals.

Call to Action (CTA)

A CTA is a design or graphic that encourages an immediate sale or a quick customer response. It consists of phrases, words, and designs included in promotional messages, sales scripts, and web pages to captivate the audience. The CTA compels users to take the desired action or response to try the product.

Click Through Rate (CTR)

If you run advertisements, then CTR will help you determine the total number of clicks you received on them in terms of the number of impressions (impressions) of the ad to the user. For example, if the ad impression (visibility for the user) is 100, and the clicks are 5, then the CTR will be 5%. This can be for website links and emails, as well as measuring the success and effectiveness of a campaign.

Content Marketing

Often used in inbound marketing campaigns, content marketing helps you share or create strategic content for a site to drive profitable shopper action or drive traffic to a site. It adds value to the site by creating valuable and useful content.

Conversion rate

Think of it as the ratio between the people who take the desired action and the total number of visits to the site. The user action may include clicking on a CTA and filling out a form on the landing page.

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

The total amount spent on marketing or sales for all customers signed up during this period is the customer acquisition cost. CAC is the cost associated with lead conversions that can be easily estimated.

Email marketing

Email marketing is a way to sell products or develop a brand in the marketplace using email as a means of communication. Many campaigns such as sales emails, promotional emails, cold emails, etc. allow you to connect with customers or potential buyers. It involves sending emails to generate sales, donate to charities, inquire about a business, or simply send out a newsletter to generate leads.

Engagement rate

As the name suggests, the Engagement Score measures or analyzes the engagement rate of a post, such as shares, likes, comments, and others. He points to the popularity of engagement marketing among the various methods that marketers choose. The goal is to capture the attention of users through effective methods.


An impression is when an ad is seen when you open a site or app. This is known as the view.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

If you want to track progress toward your goals, then KPIs are the way to go. Users can set business KPIs, make adjustments accordingly, and evaluate performance against marketing strategies. Tactical Performance Indicators (TPIs) and Leading Performance Indicators (LPIs) can help understand specific strategies to analyze whether goals can be achieved.


Keywords are a query, a group of words or terms used to search for products, definitions, or services on the Internet. They help search engines find the most relevant results for a given query.

Landing page

A landing page is also known as a static page, a landing page, or a standalone web page designed to encourage visitors to take a specific action. It includes a white paper, a newsletter, a product launch, an app download, webinars, etc. that can capture leads easily.


A company or individual demonstrates an interest in a particular service, solution, or product. It is these people who can become potential customers if everything goes well.

Marketing Funnel

It includes several stages of the user journey cycle - from the first click to the purchase. It consists of three main stages: awareness, consideration, and conversion. According to the marketing plan, marketers or business owners can add additional steps, including customer relationship nurturing and post-sales tactics.

Pay Per Click (PPC)

Pay-per-click is a popular online marketing model that combines advertising and payment. Every time a user clicks on an ad, advertisers receive a small reward. Think of it as buying site visits, not getting organic traffic. Advertisers can place a sponsored link on a search engine that pops up when they search.

Promising Clients

Commonly referred to as leads, prospects are qualified customers who meet the company's criteria or can purchase offers. To become prospective, customers must meet predetermined characteristics. For example, they must be empowered to make a purchase or make a decision.

Return on investment (ROI)

Return on investment is the amount generated from marketing campaigns and other initiatives. This is a measure of performance that can be easily calculated using the formula: (Return on Investment - Value of Investment) / Value of Investment


When users recommend a product or brand to another person by inviting them to view it, this is called a referral. It is considered the most responsible and high quality, as users recommend trusted people. It is direct response marketing used for quick conversions, sales, brand awareness, and new customer acquisition.


This is a paid marketing strategy that is very popular and involves the use of advertising on the site. This is a strategy for advertising a product or service to a person who has already shown some interest - either visited the product's website or performed a web search on it. Using a retargeting strategy ensures that you show your ads to interested people, thereby increasing the likelihood of a conversion.


SEO is a popular way to achieve the goals of marketers. It helps to get the top ranking on the search engine results page for a particular topic. When potential customers search the search engine for the products or services you sell, the pages that appear at the top get more CTR, resulting in more sales. SEO campaigns increase the ranking of web pages through various methods such as targeting the right keywords, reducing site loading speed, building backlinks, etc.


As a result, marketing is replete with various terms and jargon that you need to know. However, it is best to start with the basics and take small steps to grow your business. This glossary can be the first step toward your goal.

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